Know the Cybersecurity and Cybercrimes Bill Project

Know the Cybersecurity and Cyber crimes Bill Project

Overview and Rationale

The “Know the Cybersecurity and Cybercrimes Bill Project” will be implemented in Mongu-Western and Livingstone-Southern Provinces of Zambia. This project is the first of its kind in terms of a public initiative to raise awareness on a public law. The Two (2) Provinces have been sampled in a quest to create a balance in trying to target peril-urban and urban young people. 

Overall Goal

The goal of the project is to create awareness on the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill of 2017 among 1, 000 (500male & 500female) young people in Mongu and Livingstone Districts by December, 2018

This project will ensure that increased knowledge on this important piece of Law. We believe that young people can better participate effectively in the processes of law formulation when they are better informed. This project will help facilitate information empowerment on the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill among the target young people to necessitate effective participation. Through pursuance of the stated Project goal, ZYP shall be contributing to its strategic goal in enhancing youth access to information to achieve collective voice.