Know the Cybersecurity and Cyber crimes Bill Project
Overview and Rationale
The “Know the Cybersecurity and Cybercrimes Bill Project” will be implemented in Mongu-Western and Livingstone-Southern Provinces of Zambia. This project is the first of its kind in terms of a public initiative to raise awareness on a public law. The Two (2) Provinces have been sampled in a quest to create a balance in trying to target peril-urban and urban young people.
Overall Goal
The goal of the project is to create awareness on the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill of 2017 among 1, 000 (500male & 500female) young people in Mongu and Livingstone Districts by December, 2018.
This project will ensure that increased knowledge on this important piece of Law. We believe that young people can better participate effectively in the processes of law formulation when they are better informed. This project will help facilitate information empowerment on the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill among the target young people to necessitate effective participation. Through pursuance of the stated Project goal, ZYP shall be contributing to its strategic goal in enhancing youth access to information to achieve collective voice.
- To increased awareness and quality of information among young people and community members on cybersecurity and crime Bill of 2017
- To reduced Cybersecurity and Cybercrime based delinquency among the young people both in-school and out of school
- Conduct 2 Radio Discussions on the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill of 2017 in Mongu and Livingstone Districts.
- Conduct 2 Community based awareness meetings targeting 500 in Mongu and Livingstone on the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill of 2017
- Conduct 8 school based awareness meetings in 8 Public school targeting 500 young people in Mongu and Livingstone Districts
This space should be used to describe the key approaches/strategies that should be used to help achieve the goal and objectives described above. This will include the following.
The project shall use public address and large scale gatherings to conduct community based awareness meetings. This approach shall be replicated in the school based awareness meetings. Further, media approach shall be used to create awareness on the issue being addressed and ready the community the planned interventions. In this regard, radio discussions shall be conducted sensitize the young people and members of the community on the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill of 2017. It is anticipated once these activities are undertaken, the authorities within the school shall continue with the engagement and that radio stations shall carry on the sensitization to sustain the information shared as well as expend the reach base.
The planned activities are not a stand-alone but build into each other to achieve sustain the project momentum. The radio discussions for instance not only increase awareness among the general populace but community intentions to host the in-school and out of school awareness meetings. In essence, the radio discussions shall be used as a platform to prepare ground and as mobilization the field activities. The school and out of school based meetings shall ensure that both in-school and out of school young people are sensitized on the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill of 2017 soon to be passed into Law.
The project further shall build capacity of the field staffs to be involved in the execution of the project. This includes a thorough orientation the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Bill of 2017 and strategies to be used in implementing the activities including monitoring and program reporting. Further, the finance staff shall be oriented on the finance utilization requirements to ensure prudence management, accountability and quality reporting.